In a genuine emergency you should call 999. Chest pains and / or shortness of breath constitute an emergency.
Out-of-hours cover is the responsibility of Kingston Primarycare (SWLICB) who may commission a third party to provide this service. When phoning the surgery outside of our opening times you will be given the option to be put straight through to the out-of-hours service. The current provider can be reached by calling NHS 111.
Out-of-hours services are generally busy so please think carefully before asking to see a doctor and only do so if you genuinely cannot wait until the surgery re-opens.
You can also obtain 24 hour general medical advice by accessing the NHS 111 Website.
Monday to Friday
Langley Medical Practice does have a GP service between 7.30am-8am for pre-booked appointments on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and phlebotomy/nurse appointments Monday, Tuesday, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7.30am-8am.
There is an out of hours service available at Surbiton Health Centre Saturdays only 9am-5pm. This is a prebookable service only, please call ahead on 020 3405 8631 to arrange an appointment.
The Primary Care Extended Hours Service can see and treat urgent minor illnesses and injuries that would normally be seen at a GP practice. This includes:
(a) Minor illness such as headaches, dizziness, high temperatures and severe ‘flu-like’ symptoms, and hay fever
(b) Minor cuts, bruises, burns and scalds
(c) Strains and sprains
(d) Minor infections including ear, nose and throat
(e) Abdominal pain
(f) Dermatology and skin complaints
(g) Urgent prescription medicines
What the service excludes (summary):
(a) Conditions that warrant immediate direction to A&E such as chest pain and severe shortness of breath
(b) Tetanus injections
(c) Any pregnancy related issue
(d) Exacerbations of long term conditions
(e) Dental emergencies
(f) Mental health emergencies
(g) Follow up appointments