NHS App Out of Hours News

Surbiton Health Centre, Ewell Road, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6EZ

Tel: 020 8390 9996

Contact Details


Contractual Requirement - Statement of Intent

Practice contact details
Surgery Name: Langley Medical Practice
Address: Surbiton Health Centre, Ewell Road, Surbiton KT6 6EZ
Telephone: 020 8390 9996

Clinical system details
GP System Supplier - EMIS
GP System Version - Web

This practice currently offers patients’ facilities to book, view, amend, cancel and print appointments online.Proxy Access Online for appointments was introduced in 2019. Accurx online forms to make appointments, have an admin query and request prescriptions introduced February 2023.  

This practice currently offers the facility for all patients to order online, view and print a list of their repeat prescriptions or medicines and appliances.

This practice currently uses GP2GP to transfer patient records when patients move practice.

This practice uploads information daily to the Summary Care Record system (for those patients who have not opted out).

We publicised and promoted our online services plan to our practice patients through the practice website, practice waiting room leaflets, posters and the Patient Participation Group.