NHS App Out of Hours News

Surbiton Health Centre, Ewell Road, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6EZ

Tel: 020 8390 9996

Contact Details


Our practice staff are here to help you. A zero tolerance policy towards violent, threatening and abusive behaviour is in place throughout the NHS.

Our aim is to be as polite and helpful as possible to all patients.

We would like to thank all of our patients that respect this.

However, shouting and swearing at any clinical or administrative staff will not be tolerated under any circumstances and patients who are abusive may be removed from the patient list.

If you are violent, aggressive or threatening you will be reported to the police.

Langley Medical Practice also reserves the right to remove any patient seen to be making abusive or defamatory remarks on any social networking site (Facebook/Twitter etc).

Please be aware that by posting online anything that can be construed as slanderous will be treated as abuse and appropriate action will be taken by the Practice.

If you consider that you have been treated unfairly or inappropriately, please ask the reception staff to contact the Practice Manager who will be happy to address your concerns.

Please help us to help you.

Thank you.